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1.8 Email shouldn't validate if it's in use by another member ...
... and it's been set in the Admin CP that the same email address can't be used more than once.
isn't it already available at User Registration and Profile Options (Allow emails to be registered multiple times?)
> Email shouldn't validate if it's in use by another member ...
It does not validate, it shows:
Please correct the following errors before continuing:
You have entered an email address that is already in use by another member. Please enter a different email address.

with setting:
Registration Method - Send Email Verification
Allow emails to be registered multiple times? - No
- no good deed goes unpunished
OK guys, perhaps my original post wasn't clear enough, but I referenced that setting clearly in my post so I don't need to be reminded of it.

When you select a username that's already in-use you are given an inline error message and asked to pick another one. But if you do the same with an email, it evidently is valid until you click the join button.

This speaks to a larger problem – ALL validation should be inline, and the submit button should only work if all fields are valid.
> But if you do the same with an email, it evidently is valid until you click the join button.

Checking database when focus is moved can be expensive - it can be more than 5 seconds with big sites (for username).
I guess 2 such requests would be impractical.
- no good deed goes unpunished
You could check on button click and not proceed if invalid?
Email should be an index in the users table anyway so a SELECT query on just that field should be fairly quick.

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