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Not Solved [How To?] Best way to ping Google about the new thread in forums
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So I have a wordpress blog at and mybb forums at

When the main blog is updated, Google indexes it in a matter of minutes but when a new thread is started in forums it takes a whole lot of time.

Is there anything we can do to ping Google as soon as a thread is started in forums?

[I already have sitemap for forums, Google SEO plugin functioning properly.]


I am told I can take help of if such a thing is not provided by myBB. So I will create a feed out of some of the forums in myBB and supply that to which will in turn ping Search Engines.

I am not sure how to implement the part mentioned in bold italics below.

Can someone help?

This is what their Ping Us section says
Ping us
This step will help us know when is the best time to fetch your feeds, as soon as you've updated them. We will then fetch it and notify your subscribers

It's as easy as sending an HTTP POST request to your hub's url, along with a parameter to indicate which of your feeds was updated

# This is an example with curl. Most of languages include similar HTTP libraries.
# The -D- param logs the response and headers.
$ curl -X POST http://<your-hub-name> -d"hub.mode=publish" -d"hub.url=http://<a-feed-url>" -D-
# Expected Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Server: nginx/0.7.62
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 13:11:38 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 204 No Content
X-Runtime: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache
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WordPress SEO plugins are too much better than mybb Google SEO plugin because Google SEO plugin is an incomplete SEO tool. Is just for google but is insuficient to do SEO. You can configure your tags manualy - tags is not the best way. Use your analytics tools and Google Webmaster Tool. Configure your metatag and open graph manually on headerinclude template.

ANd the most important your relevant content.
[Image: 468x60_bf4brasil_site_zpsd7eefd7f.png]
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I couldn't find an easy way to get ping to search engines but using IFTTT and forum's partial feed, I am now posting every new thread generated in the forum to my forum's twitter channel.
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I found this on google. but there is a little problem. for MyBB plugin is not available.

if anyone can make a plugin for this.

review :

publish :

How The System Might Work :
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Maybe someone can coding the pingler plugin to integrate in mybb Big Grin

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