2013-07-07, 01:52 PM
^ (View Full Shout Box - Portable Device version) <-- they are links to full shoutbox and a mobile version.
if you are sure to remove those links then navigate to below location
admin panel >> templates >> Global Templates >> mysb_shoutbox
find code like below and remove it or put <!-- before the code and --> after the code and save the template
if you are sure to remove those links then navigate to below location
admin panel >> templates >> Global Templates >> mysb_shoutbox
find code like below and remove it or put <!-- before the code and --> after the code and save the template
(<a href="index.php?action=full_shoutbox">{$lang->mysb_fullsbox}</a> - <a href="pspshoutbox.php">{$lang->mysb_portable}</a>)