Not Solved [solved]problem with installing a chatbox on my forum
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^ (View Full Shout Box - Portable Device version) <-- they are links to full shoutbox and a mobile version.
if you are sure to remove those links then navigate to below location
admin panel >> templates >> Global Templates >> mysb_shoutbox
find code like below and remove it or put <!-- before the code and --> after the code and save the template
 (<a href="index.php?action=full_shoutbox">{$lang->mysb_fullsbox}</a> - <a href="pspshoutbox.php">{$lang->mysb_portable}</a>)
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is there any chance to install a editor on it?
(i mean every one can write with any color or font size that likes)
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^ not a visible editor, but depending on the configured settings users can use MyCode (like bold, italic .. etc)
however we do not suggest to allow html posting either on the shoutbox or in the posts
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(2013-07-07, 02:05 PM).m. Wrote: however we do not suggest to allow html posting either on the shoutbox or in the posts
tnx, why? whats wrong with the html??
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^ well, if html posting (or chatting) is allowed then your forum can be defaced / hacked easily!
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oops!! tnx for warning!!!

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