Not Solved admin cp not accessable after install "thankyoulikesystemv"
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After uploading the package "1747-1319623018-thankyoulikesystemv1.5" to my mybb 1.6.10 I always got an errormessage when I try to access the admin panel.

How can I remove that tool?

The error message is:

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Not Solved
Seems like you are missing a file. Try uploading the missing file(I can't read which file properly).

Double check if you have uploaded all the necessary files.
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Your language file for that plugin isn't uploaded in the proper folder.
Coming soon..
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(2013-07-13, 10:15 PM)JonathanP Wrote: Your language file for that plugin isn't uploaded in the proper folder.

There comes no language files with that plugin.
Not Solved
^ if the plugin has no language pack of your forum's language then you have to copy plugin's English language files
(english/thankyoulike.lang.php & english/admin/tools_thankyoulike_recount.lang.php) to your language files folder.

that is, thankyoulike.lang.php should be copied to /inc/languages/deutsch_du folder
and tools_thankyoulike_recount.lang.php should be copied to /inc/languages/deutsch_du/admin folder
Not Solved
YES, this helps! Thank you very very much!! Smile

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