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Want to run my own ads
I have created a single gif that has 3 different ad's that rotate, I can add it to my advertisements but I can only put in 1 link, I need to make them link to the 3 different sites when they rotate. Maybe I'm using the wrong plug-in...Any suggestions?
You need 3 different images if you want to link to 3 different sites. Or, need something like flash.
well if I made 3 different images, which I can do, is there a plug in to play #1 for a few seconds then change to # 2 and so one?
I noticed , will that do the trick?

and thanks Alex for your reply
Not that I know of. But, it is possible with javascript.
JavaScript would be the way to go.

Load a script with an array of 3 image URLs and the 3 destination URLs. Then have a timer cycle through them. Then have JavaScript alter a HTML anchor element to display the correct URL and image.
I'm pretty sure there might be plugins out there to put your own ads on your website.
I have an image rotater on my homepage, it's only a few lines of code using jQuery. You can see it here:

If its what you need let me know and I'll give you the code.
can you create a different link to each image? if so sure...I'd appreciate the code.
You can do it with Template Conditionals if you want it simple without animation. Remember to put the .txt from package to inc/plugins.

Then put this in any template:
<setvar randomadnumber>rand(1,3)</setvar>
<if $tplvars['randomadnumber'] == 1 then>
<a href=""><img alt="" src="images/myfirstimg.png" /></a>
<elseif $tplvars['randomadnumber'] == 2 then>
<a href=""><img alt="" src="images/mysecondimg.png" /></a>
<a href=""><img alt="" src="images/mythirdimg.png" /></a>

It will rotate on each page refresh, not sure if that's what you meant, otherwise you need JS like this
try dis code.

<script language="Javascript">

var currentdate = 0;
var core = 0;

function initArray() {

this.length = initArray.arguments.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
  this[i] = initArray.arguments[i];

link = new initArray(


image = new initArray(


text = new initArray(
"Name Of Site1",
"Name Of Site2",
"Name Of Site3"


var currentdate = new Date();
var core = currentdate.getSeconds() % image.length;
var ranlink  = link[core];
var ranimage = image[core];
var rantext  = text[core];

document.write('<a href=\"' +ranlink+ '\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"'+ranimage+'\" border="0" alt=\"'+rantext+'\"></a>');


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