Google Drive Plugin (was Google Docs)
Google Documents
A simple MyCode which able you to embed Google Docs into your posts easily. The tag is: [gdoc]Google Drive/Doc ID[/gdoc]
Author: acrox999

This is a great idea and could go a lot further. For example would we be able to edit/update the Google document while it's embedded in the post?

Do you think it would be possible to replace the standard editor with the Google Drive tool window and text container?

Would we have to authenticate each time or could we fix it so that the authentication information is stored in the user profile and submits it automagically at the same time the user logs into the forum?

Is acrox999 going to update this plugin or has it been abandoned?

I'm going to test it but I'd be very grateful for some help on this plugin's compatibility with Google Drive, the former Google Docs?

Thank you in advance,

[Image:]"The opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice." ~Bryan Stevenson
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I already made this for my forums using the default Googledrive Iframe. Also i still dont understand why mybb prevents the excecution of a mycode which contains a script.

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