Dissallow Email clarification...
1. If email address '4.com' is 'dissallowed', should 'abc24.com' be dissallowed, or need to use '*4.com' ?
2. If email address domain '.er' is dissallowed, should 'abc24.er' be blocked, or need to use '*.er' ?
3. If 'abc' is dissallowed, should 'abc24.er' be blocked, or need to use 'abc*' ?
http://docs.mybb.com/Admin_CP_Config_Ban..._Addresses doesnt seem to go into that much detail... is there another source of more detailed info ?
Dissallow Email clarification...
1. If email address '4.com' is 'dissallowed', should 'abc24.com' be dissallowed, or need to use '*4.com' ?
2. If email address domain '.er' is dissallowed, should 'abc24.er' be blocked, or need to use '*.er' ?
3. If 'abc' is dissallowed, should 'abc24.er' be blocked, or need to use 'abc*' ?
http://docs.mybb.com/Admin_CP_Config_Ban..._Addresses doesnt seem to go into that much detail... is there another source of more detailed info ?
Thanks again for your help !