Not Solved Template conditionals, how to determine how many posts on page
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I want to show an ad above the thread if there's only one post on the page (postbit). Attempting to utilize my own genius, I tried this:

<if $mybb->settings['postsperpage'] == "1" then>{myadvertisements[zone_1]}</if>		
<a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>

But that didn't work out for me. Sleepy
Not Solved
Display something if there is only 1 post on page:
a) for showthread template(s):
<if $postcount % $perpage == "1" && $page == $pages then>xxx</if>
b) for postbit template(s):
<if $postcounter % $mybb->settings['postsperpage'] == "1" && $thread['lastpost'] == $post['dateline'] then><strong>Hello</strong></if>
Not Solved
Extra butter baby. Very good. Ended up using it in showthread. Thanks again Destroy666.

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