Not Solved Profile System + NewPoints
Not Solved
Hi there,
Someone help me add the plugin "NewPoints 'to' Profile System" (mynetwork) these points? The appearance of a standard profile are shown in points, while the "profile system" would not, I tried to add
    <td class="trow2"><strong>{$currency}:</strong></td>
    <td class="trow2"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/newpoints.php">{$points}</a>{$donate}{$quickedit}</td>
(Code pulled from one of the templates.) but failed to bring any result. I'm counting on your help!
Not Solved
Not Solved
Refresh, help!

May need to add a hook? But how to do it? I give the pros!
Not Solved
maybe you have to use a new hook instead of mynetworks core data, because i think this system takes his own hooks, you may call this hook and maybe it works, i dunno, because i never used it. But i fix some things to some friends on this plugin, and creates a new hooks and more things so you may use this i think but not for sure.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x


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