Not Solved Load Template Plugin Help
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If this has been answered before and I just didn't go far enough back, please forgive me and direct me to the right topic. Otherwise, here goes...

I'm very much a noob when it comes to skinning MyBB myself. My experience is with Invisionfree (jcink, to be exact) so I admit that I'm a little new at this. In the past I've been able to design skins, albeit rather simplistic. What I want to do this time is have a sidebar and while I could do that without templates, it'd make updates to my board A LOT easier if I could use custom templates.

So, after doing some research and realizing that I'm so not smart enough to mess with SQL, I found this plugin "Load Template". I installed it (correctly. Took me a few minutes but I remembered how) and activated it, but it still isn't working. If anyone has any ideas why, I'd be grateful if you could help me out.


MyBB Version 1.6.10
PHP Version 5.4.20
SQL Engine MySQL 5.1.70
Not Solved
I don't know how that "Load Templates" plugin works, but I recommend trying this instead:
Not Solved
Thank you so much, that works!!! I really appreciate it!

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