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Not Solved [General] Undefined posts - My problem exactly dont find.
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Hello dear MyBBCoders,

I have problems with my forum, one member as a message instead of once his post, the word "undefined", and that each item either in a shout or a job done by itself or good comment.
I tried disabling all plugins even the most well known fact that any buger, but nothing to be done by disabling all my plugins, it persists!

Thanks in advance for your help ! Smile
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I have the same problem Sad
Not Solved
I've been facing the same problem with a user on my forum.
In the past when this issue has come up it is due to the user having a browser toolbar/addon installed that conflicts with the javascript that MyBB uses. Because it only affects a few users it is probably that, and not a MyBB issue.
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The problem come from the nav, my friends have use an other nav ang its work !

Thanks for your help, its not a mybb problem, just a conflit with navbar or addons Wink

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