Not Solved Is Recaptcha really necessary?
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I am using the basic image verification that comes by default with MyBB 1.6.11.

I have had issues trying to install Recaptcha III and can't get it to work.

However, I am wondering if it is necessary to install Recaptcha? I have read some comments that spammers have cracked all the recaptchas so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I am running:
- Registration Security Question (1.2)
- Stop Forum Spam (1.4)

Any thoughts on whether this is sufficient? Should I work on getting Recaptcha working? Are there any other basic spam / security tasks I should perform?

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Recaptcha is almost useless these days, so I don't recommend it. You can try any other plugins from here:
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Edit: delayed response

recent versions of MyBB include reCaptcha system and that should be sufficient. additional plugin for
reCaptcha is not required. if you feel it is not affective then you can try some other system (eg. keycaptcha)

see also replies here
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