Hey there,
first let me say thanks for this amazing free forum software! Love it very much.
But I need help with one function that seems seriously broken in my copy of MyBB (running on version 1.6.12).
I would like to show "Edited by..." messages ONLY for normal members on their own posts.
So, I went to my ACP, got into "Settings -> Posting" and clicked:
Show 'edited by' Messages: YES
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: NO
And here's what's happening: The board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits ONLY in other people's postings. (??)
I then tried
Show 'edited by' Messages: YES
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: YES
...and the board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits in other people's and their own postings.
I then tried
Show 'edited by' Messages: NO
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: YES
...and the board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits ONLY in their own postings.
It seems impossible to show the normal user's edits in my MyBB, which makes me think I somehow broke some template or PHP-File, even though I didn't change too many (i. e. "functions_post.php" wasn't changed at all). :-S
Could you please help me fix this issue? Help me to find the part where something went wrong?
Thanks in advance!
first let me say thanks for this amazing free forum software! Love it very much.
But I need help with one function that seems seriously broken in my copy of MyBB (running on version 1.6.12).
I would like to show "Edited by..." messages ONLY for normal members on their own posts.
So, I went to my ACP, got into "Settings -> Posting" and clicked:
Show 'edited by' Messages: YES
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: NO
And here's what's happening: The board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits ONLY in other people's postings. (??)
I then tried
Show 'edited by' Messages: YES
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: YES
...and the board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits in other people's and their own postings.
I then tried
Show 'edited by' Messages: NO
Show 'edited by' Message for Forum Staff: YES
...and the board shows "edited by" messages ONLY for forum staff's edits ONLY in their own postings.
It seems impossible to show the normal user's edits in my MyBB, which makes me think I somehow broke some template or PHP-File, even though I didn't change too many (i. e. "functions_post.php" wasn't changed at all). :-S
Could you please help me fix this issue? Help me to find the part where something went wrong?
Thanks in advance!