2014-01-27, 03:26 AM
Some of my forums are set as:
Sort by: Subject
Order: Ascending
If a user changes his view of the forum to:
Sort by: Last Post
Order: Descending (ie: essentially the default/typical view)
and then presses the next page button, then the Descending status is lost and the next page is in Ascending order. (In fact you can see the Descending missing from the URL when you hover over the "2" or next page button.)
Sort by: Subject
Order: Ascending
If a user changes his view of the forum to:
Sort by: Last Post
Order: Descending (ie: essentially the default/typical view)
and then presses the next page button, then the Descending status is lost and the next page is in Ascending order. (In fact you can see the Descending missing from the URL when you hover over the "2" or next page button.)