As the title says, see this it's the multiquote button, it doesn't works
The code of that is:
Some one fix it and gimme the working code
Please fix that cloudflare page, coming everywhere
The code of that is:
<a href="javascript:Thread.multiQuote({$post['pid']});" class="buttons" style="display: none;" alt="{$lang->postbit_multiquote}" title="{$lang->postbit_multiquote}" id="multiquote_link_{$post['pid']}"><i class="icon-quote-right" style="font-size: 13px;"></i> Quote</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('multiquote_link_{$post['pid']}').style.display = '';
// -->
Some one fix it and gimme the working code
Please fix that cloudflare page, coming everywhere