Not Solved (Notn a plugin, etc) Need help with switchingskins by time..
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As far as I remember, you cannot have multiline strings in Javascript. You have to put everything on one line:
document.write(" <everything here on one line> ");
or separate them in different strings
document.write(" <something> "
+ " <another thing> "
+ " <final thing> ");

Dennis Tsang
Former MyBB Team Member
Not Solved
Okay. Is there any way I can do this with templates too?

EDIT: Is there anything wrong with this script? In it, I assume the clock goes by 1:00 - 24:00 , and not 12:00 AM - 12:00 PM.

<script type="text/javascript">
var ttime= new Date();
var minutes= time.getMinutes()
var seconds= time.getSeconds()
var hours= time.getHours()

if (hours >= 12)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"
+'type="text/css"'href="" />');

if (hours <= 11)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"
+'type="text/css"'href="" />');

Not Solved
Last post updated, look above ^^
Not Solved
Your time variable is spelt wrong plus some other wrong things. Try the code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
var time= new Date();
var minutes= time.getMinutes()
var seconds= time.getSeconds()
var hours= time.getHours()

if (hours >= 12)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ ' href="" />');

if (hours <= 11)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ ' href="" />');

Not Solved
Tikitiki Wrote:Your time variable is spelt wrong plus some other wrong things. Try the code below.

<script type="text/javascript">
var time= new Date();
var minutes= time.getMinutes()
var seconds= time.getSeconds()
var hours= time.getHours()

if (hours >= 12)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ ' href="" />');

if (hours <= 11)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ ' href="" />');


I'm having some trouble. When it is supposed to hit Night (Or, the hours is >= 12) everything goes blank...

Then I tried this:

Quote:<script type="text/javascript">
var time= new Date();
var minutes= time.getMinutes()
var seconds= time.getSeconds()
var hours= time.getHours()

if (hours <= 11)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ 'href="" />');

document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ 'href="" />');


Still no luck...
Not Solved
Are you sure theme_8.css is a file? Also you need to add a space in front of href=
Not Solved
No, it is not a file. I had the same script with a real file (07) however, and it still did not work. Sad
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Okay, I tried it again, and found out the file that was in the script was not what I needed. There is now a working files in it, and only one string per line. But it still will not work.

Here is the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
var time= new Date();
var minutes= time.getMinutes()
var seconds= time.getSeconds()
var hours= time.getHours()

if (hours =< 11)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ 'href=""'
+ '/>');

document.write('<link rel="stylesheet"'
+ ' type="text/css"'
+ 'href=""'
+ '/>');

Not Solved

Still doesn't work for some reason... ;~;

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