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Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 4 Weeks ago Themes With Sidebar Ads - No Collapse
Solved: 10 Years, 10 Months, 4 Weeks ago
I like the look of the Mongblue and Monggreen themes with the sidebar for advertisements. But I installed it, and when you leave the home page of the forum to open a subforum or thread, the sidebar automatically disappears, expanding to the full-length forum again.

It doesn't bother me that users won't see ads all the time, but what does bother me is the layout of the forum changing so drastically every time you go from home forum to subforum and back.

I'd like more consistency in my design than that.

Are there any other forum themes with the sidebar for ads that display it on every page?


I discovered the sidebar plugin. I believe it can be coded to include ads; meanwhile I'm happy just using it for stats, etc. My main concern was not advertising but reducing the extreme width of the posts, so this will do for now.


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