Hi, I've been searching for a couple of days now and I can't see to figure this out.
I would like the color of users to show on the index, see screen shot.
![[Image: 2.PNG]](https://camo.mybb.com/6713d428f913620576c37caada6e2aaeaad1109a/687474703a2f2f74616e6b706974776f726c642e636f6d2f6d7962622f696d616765732f322e504e47)
I've found several posts telling me to change certain code in files but when I do this it makes my forums un-viewable. Thank you to anybody who can help me with this.
I would like the color of users to show on the index, see screen shot.
I've found several posts telling me to change certain code in files but when I do this it makes my forums un-viewable. Thank you to anybody who can help me with this.