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Not Solved How to add GMT +05:45
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The default listed
time zone is not matching with
our country time i.e we have GMT
+ 05:45 default listed
time zone is GMT + 05:30. The
forum users are from my country
so is it possible to add (GMT +
05:45 ) Kathmandu,Nepal

Site : MeroPoint | Techonology & SEO Forum
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Bump .... Anyone knows how to do it with SQL queries.
Not Solved
Open inc/functions.php, then find:
"5.5" => $lang->timezone_gmt_550,
Change it to:
"5.5" => $lang->timezone_gmt_550,
"5.75" => "(GMT +5:45) Nepal",

Then either tell every user to change it in User CP or run this query in phpMyAdmin:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `timezone` = '5.75'
Not Solved
You could also add it to your language file(s). If you use a language other than English, you can put it in that language as well so that it will translate if you have different language packs installed on your forum.
Open inc/languages/english/global.lang.php, search for:
$l['timezone_gmt_550'] = "(GMT +5:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi";
Insert a new line and add:
$l['timezone_gmt_575'] = "(GMT +5:45) Nepal";

Then as Destroy says, open up inc/functions.php but instead...
"5.5" => $lang->timezone_gmt_550,
insert a new line and add:
"5.75" => $lang->timezone_gmt_575,

EDIT: the GMT will look funny, saying "GMT +5:75" but the actual time should be correct. It's probably a PHP bug.

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