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Forum Hacked
My forum was hacked and now it's redirecting to other, porn sites. WHat do I do??

The admin CP password has been changed as well.
You will need to restore from a backup to get your data cleaned.

Take your site off line from FTP or cpanel. Just put a HTML page up and remove the forum stuff. Just something like "Unfortunately the site has been hacked, we are working to resolve this and will be back online ASAP"

So you will need to try to find out how it was hacked. it will either be out of date software, or a vulnerable plugin. CHeck the vulnerable plugin thread to see if any match your system.

Once that is done you need to bring your site back online, you should probably enforce a password change or change all passwords and email them out to users.

Last time I was hacked it took me 24 hours to get back online, I had to get a clean backup of my forums, I then had to run the merge to make sure everything was cleaned.
As Danny said:

Restore the forum with a present backup.
Restore a mysql database (if needed)
Change Cpanel Password
Change your passwords and possibly anyone elses password (who you feel is at risk)

Getting hacked is the worse, I never had it, but I know the problems that go with it. If you don't have either one you will need to check your logs for things such as uploads that could be a shell, or something malcious to keep access to your site.
Hey Everyone I am back! I will slowly be in progression of helping you all with your questions!

Moved to Security Forum.

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