[Pushed] Quick edit adds the post content to footer
Goto a post, click edit and Quick edit.... now the post content which is being edited is added below the footer.....

[Image: image.png]
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Don’t  Forget to “Mark as Solved” after the fix
I can confirm this.

fix for this...

in root/jscripts/thread.js


$('#pid_' + pid).clone().attr('id','pid_' + pid + '_temp').css('display','none!important').appendTo("body");


$('#pid_' + pid).clone().attr('id','pid_' + pid + '_temp').hide().appendTo("body");

Ps. of course you need clear cache of browser.

Thank you for your report. We have pushed this issue to our Github repository for further analysis where you can track our commits and progress with fixing this bug. Discussions regarding this bug may also take place there too.

Follow this link to visit the issue on Github: https://github.com/mybb/mybb/issues/866

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