[Pushed] Pointer Cursor for Clickable Smilies
As in MyBB 1.6, It's better that when the mouse is over the smilie image, the cursor style change into Pointer style.

To Do This:
Change the smilie template codes with the following codes:
<img src="{$smilie['image']}" alt="{$smilie['name']}" title="{$smilie['name']}" style="cursor: pointer" class="smilie smilie_{$smilie['sid']}{$extra_class}"{$onclick} />
+1, I agree
[MyBB 1.8 Czech translation] [MyBB 1.8 plugins]: Prune old PMs + optimize DB plugin --- Thank you/like system
I agree it.
but smilie template uses in all of the places for smilies.
this fix is better:
in inc/functions.php find:
					eval('$smilie = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
replace to:
					$extra_class = ' smilie_pointer';
					eval('$smilie = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
in misc.php
				eval('$smilie_image = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
replace to:
				$extra_class = 'smilie_pointer';
				eval('$smilie_image = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
(2014-08-19, 06:03 PM)My-BB.Ir Wrote: I agree it.
but smilie template uses in all of the places for smilies.
this fix is better:
in inc/functions.php find:
					eval('$smilie = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
replace to:
					$extra_class = 'smilie_pointer';
					eval('$smilie = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
in misc.php
				eval('$smilie_image = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');
replace to:
				$extra_class = 'smilie_pointer';
				eval('$smilie_image = "'.$templates->get('smilie', 1, 0).'";');

Yes its class has been defined in MyBB theme but not used!
But I agree with
$extra_class .=
instead of:
$extra_class =
Big Grin
@MyBB team - can somebody push it to GitHub?
[MyBB 1.8 Czech translation] [MyBB 1.8 plugins]: Prune old PMs + optimize DB plugin --- Thank you/like system

Thank you for your report. We have pushed this issue to our Github repository for further analysis where you can track our commits and progress with fixing this bug. Discussions regarding this bug may also take place there too.

Follow this link to visit the issue on Github: https://github.com/mybb/mybb/issues/1271

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