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Not Solved Time Spent Online
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Am running version 1.6.12, not upgrade to 1.8 as still getting used to how this software works.

Noticed today that the time spend online is going backward each time I login or refresh the screen when on my profile.

Has anyone else experienced this or know how to correct it?

Thanks and regards.
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Not sure your comment answers my question.
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your forum should be upgraded to MyBB 1.6.15

run file verification tool available at tools & maintenance section of admin panel to find
changed / missing files. focus is on php files. ignore images and files from install folder.

give the list of missing / changed / corrupt php files
Not Solved
Thanks for your advise and guidance.

Just ran the operation you advised and got this answer:

Congratulations! No corrupt files have been found on your installation.

Will update to 1.6.15 soon.

Would you know why all of a sudden the total time spend online is going backwards and in chunks not just minutes?

Best regards.


Have noticed that the time displayed on the login page is either correct of plus 37 minutes when F5 is pressed and keeps toggling between the correct time and plus 37 minutes.  Not sure why!!!

This is having the effect of logging in 37 minutes in the future and then logging off 37 minutes in the past and decreasing the total time spent online on the User CP page.

If anyone knows how to fix this please help.

Thanks and regards.
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Have today upgraded to 1.8 and the time is still messed up.

The server time is always correct but is display is still either correct or 37 minutes out when refreshing screens.

Please see the screenshot to see the difference in PC time and Current time and also advise if screen is what the login screen should look like.

Thanks in advance.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Not Solved
Quote:the time spend online is going backward each time I login or refresh the screen when on my profile
Quote:The server time is always correct but is display is still either correct or 37 minutes out when refreshing screens.
... see the difference in PC time and Current time ...
above two are different things !
And upgrading to 1.8 is not a solution to any of above. My suggestion was to upgrade to 1.6.15

anyway you have to follow below guidance to make your forum look alright (not related to time)
upgrading guidance Wrote:Visit your Admin Control Panel, then go to Templates & Style > Templates > Find Updated Templates. This will show you a list of all the templates that have changed during the upgrade.

You can either revert these templates to their default - meaning all the changes you've made to it will be removed - or you can see a Diff Report which will show you exactly what's changed. If you have a custom theme installed, it is probably best that you look at the Diff Report and apply the changes you need.
Not Solved

This is exactly what I noticed, time out by 37 minutes in my case.

Was advised to upgrade which I did but to no effect.

My server host company have checked and there is not problem there end in the server date time.

Anyone else who has experienced this please advise how you resolved it.

Thanks and regards.

Thank you M for fixing the display issue.

You help very much appreciated.

Best regards.
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