2014-09-08, 11:58 PM
I just upgraded to 1.8 without major issues, however, I have run into a minor annoyance that I can't seem to track down the source of. On the portal, the latest threads block shows up fine and has the correct ordered list of threads. However, Replies and Views numbers are always 0 (Zero) and the link to the forum takes you to a specific thread...which appears to be random, but I know it isn't. Something's crossed up somewhere. Anyway, I'm using the default template and the portal_latestthreads_thread template is unchanged (no option to revert). It's contents are below.
I've gone through Recount/Rebuild and rebuilt everything. Still no replies/views show up on the portal. They appear fine on the forums and threads pages. Below is the content of the portal_latestthreads_thread template.
I've gone through Recount/Rebuild and rebuilt everything. Still no replies/views show up on the portal. They appear fine on the forums and threads pages. Below is the content of the portal_latestthreads_thread template.
<td class="{$altbg}">
<strong><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{$thread['threadlink']}">{$thread['subject']}</a></strong>
<span class="smalltext"><br />
{$lang->forum} <a href="{$thread['forumlink']}">{$thread['forumname']}</a><br />
<a href="{$thread['lastpostlink']}">{$lang->latest_threads_lastpost}</a> {$lastposterlink}<br />
{$lastpostdate}<br />
<strong>» </strong>{$lang->latest_threads_replies} {$thread['replies']}<br />
<strong>» </strong>{$lang->latest_threads_views} {$thread['views']}