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1.8 Allow redirecting on forums with threads
Per this thread there may be times when it is beneficial to allow redirecting a forum that contains a thread.  Well, it's the only time in which it would be beneficial that I could think of.  I don't see a reason to block it other than it locking users out of the threads inside of the forum.  So Destroy666 and I were discussing this.  

HolyPhoenix Wrote:
(2014-09-15, 06:00 PM)Destroy666 Wrote: This may be not the only reason (didn't check the whole code for redirect forums so no idea), otherwise a yes/no confirmation like "Are you sure that you want to convert this forum into a redirect? There are still threads inside it." would be more appropriate than an error.

Good point.  I think that would be a great change to the core (if I am right about its purpose).  I can't think of another reason why that would be blocked.    

I would probably change the text slightly to "Are you sure that you want to convert this forum into a redirect? You will no longer be able to access threads inside it."

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