Hi, my friend owns a business and likes to use a forum on our site to post his Press Releases in case anybody wants to comment him, but he wants it posted immediately and can do it by email. So I tried to set up something where it would take an email address ([email protected]) and have cPanel forward it to |php script.php where script.php would take in the STDIN which is the whole mail file, and post it to MyBB. The "take in whole mail file" I can do, however I've tried to get it to post directly to MyBB without any user interaction whatsoever and it results in a bulletin board getting reinstalled often. Is there a plugin that can be emailed and immediately post under a poster's username when it receives the email?
I too have looked for something like this.Many of my users would love to not only read the board from their phone, which they can do, but also post without being logged in on a PC.
Sending email and having it auto posted on the board can be done as I have seen it.

Here is hoping someone can help out with this.Great idea!

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