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Not Solved Nobody can see forums except administrator
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My forum works well two months, and quite suddenly, all forums have disappeared for all users except administrators. Can anyone have idea why.
I didnt change (I didn't log in) in a forum a few days, and today users are saying that they can't see the forums.
I try to create a new user and only if he is administrator he can see forums Sad
Not Solved
Have you checked the privileges you set in control panel for each group?

ACP > Forums + Posts > Forum Management > click options and check the permissions.
[Image: sig2.jpg]
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Yes, this is OK. I didn't change anything in permissions, but users just like that, can't see anything Sad
They use forum a few days ago and then it was OK.

Now, I dicovered something...
If user put link like this in browser
(instead of xxxx is URL)
which I get like an admin, they can use forum, but if they click on the parent forum on the breadcrumbs, message appears: You do not have permission to access this page.
Not Solved
It seems like you may have an issue with your usergroups not being able to view the parent forum. You can try using my plugin for checking permissions:

You will need to change the compatibility line to say 16* instead, but it should work fine. This will give you a new option under Tools that says View Permissions. Go to the Forum Permissions tab and type in the username. After submitting the form, it will list all forums, including categories, and if they have permission to view it or not.
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you have to delete the "install folder" from your Server.


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