Not Solved Announcements
Not Solved Sad 
For some reason I can't display any announcements in my forum. I've tried various plugins like Announcements manager,OUGC announcements bars...whatnot.Nothing seems to be working in my forum.

We are using mybb 1.8. My forum URL:

Can somebody help me please Sad
Not Solved
It could be something plugin-specific, but if it's an issue with multiple announcements, I imagine that it's probably a template issue. I know my announcements plugin looks for one of the notifications in the header and adds the template variable after that. I imagine the others probably do the same thing, so if you have a highly modified header design, that could be part of the issue.

For OUGC Announcement Bars, it looks like "<!--OUGC_ANNBARS-->" is needed somewhere after the navigation section of the template. If that's not found, try putting it at the bottom of the header template.

For my plugin, ""<!-- BAM -->{$bam_announcements}<!-- /BAM -->" is the variable that is used, and can be added anywhere in the header that you prefer (by default is after {$awaitingusers}). The "Announcement" plugin uses the {$announcement} variable, which is by default placed before the pm_notice variable in the header template.
Not Solved
Thank you.It's working now Smile
I am using your plugin Smile

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