Not Solved Plugin Problems
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I've tried almost everything to get a plugin on my forums, is there any way one of you admins can Add me on Skype and tell me what I'm doing wrong,, I would Share my screen with you because I Updated to 1.8 and I can't get nothing to work....
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most of the plugins coded for earlier versions of MyBB might not work with MyBB 1.8.x
which plugin you are referring to (give its link) ? what have you tried to get it on MyBB 1.8 ?
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and much more I put them in the file but how do I activate them? is there anyway you can add me on skype?
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Take the "root" or "Upload" folder in your plugin download, and simply upload the contents to your MyBB forum root via FTP (where index.php, etc. are), and if your client asks you about overwriting or merging files or folders, allow it to do so. Once you have that uploaded, just go to ACP -> Configuration -> Plugins and you will be able to manage activating, deactivating, or installing your plugins from there.
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Okay thank you!... Now I have another problem and I don't know if this involves in a Plugin,,,

[Image: 4f7d05c7.jpg]
[Image: 4f3b05bf.jpg]
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That seems like a theme problem to me. Did the issue first occur after activating a plugin?
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No. It was before I even Installed the plugins happened right after I updated to 1.8
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I imagine it's probably because the theme isn't compatible with 1.8 in that case. You'll have to find a new theme from the 1.8 compatible theme database to fix those issues.

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