2014-12-01, 09:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 2015-01-15, 02:20 PM by The_Dark.
Edit Reason: Update version
Custom Restriction by The_Dark
- Custom Restriction
- Created By The_Dark
- Project started 11/21/2014
Author: The_Dark
MyBB Versions: 1.8.x
Version: 8.0.1
Collaborators dragonexpert
Submitted: 12-01-2014, 09:57 PM
Last Updated: 01-15-2015, 03:05 PM
Features v 8.0.1
- Ban specify users from specify forum (archive of that forum, also)
- Ban specify usergroups from specify forum (archive of that forum, also)
- Ban specify users from specify specify thread (print and archive of that thread, also)
- Ban specify usergroups from specify thread (print and archive of that thread, also)
- Ban specify users from mp functions
- Ban specify usergroups form mp functions
- Admin can insert usergroups id (gid) that can insert specify users uids in them thread (before sending) and those users uids will be banned from that thread
- Author that is in that usergroup able of admin, of a specify thread, can insert specify uids banned from it
- Choose if set flood or not
- If the choice is yes, can set seconds that must pass form a post to other and users uid and forums fid affected from this restriction about custom flodding control system
- Custom Ajax error in new fast ajax reply
- and other..
Install the latest version
Delete all files about threadrestriction and customrestriction from your file system;
Dowload latest version -> http://community.mybb.com/mods.php?actio...17&bid=737
Unzip all files;
Upload the /inc folder in principal r00t in your file system;
Go to ACP and activate this plugin!
Have funny!
This plugin will be supported in this thread, also in plugins support forum in this site.