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[For 1.8] TYL -TopList
Thx, the issue with posturl is fixed!
[MyBB 1.8 Czech translation] [MyBB 1.8 plugins]: Prune old PMs + optimize DB plugin --- Thank you/like system
Updated to version 1.7

  • added function & settings option display usernames in user group based style

Download: =>


is there a way to see the top liked threads on day basis that is to see top liked threads today.
Ok, I have this one installed:
Thank You/Like System (1.9.2)
[Configure Settings][Recount Thank Yous/Likes]PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! 
Adds option for users to Thank the user for the post or Like the post.
*Edited for MyBB 1.8 by: AliReza_Tofighi
*Maintained by: SvePu and Eldenroot
*Sources: GitHub
Created by - G33K -

I also have this one installed:
 ProStats /proʊˈstæts/ (1.9.6)
Professional stats for MyBB. (Settings)
Created by SaeedGh and AliReza Tofighi

and of course this one:
TopList addon for Thank You/Like System (1.9.1)
(~ TYL-TopList Settings ~) PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! 
Thats an addon for the Thank You/Like System plugin by -G33K-.
Created by SvePu

All on MyBB 1.8.4

I was hoping that the prostats (bottom page; would replace the Most thanks there with the Thank You/Like system... I voted many more posts as "Thank you"'s, but only the old thank you system seems to be counted...

Any suggestions? I think I asked this before (, but I thought to update here too... For it seems to be the most important discussion thread.


is it able to the stats on daily basis
i mean top liked threads yesterday and today?
(2015-04-29, 06:41 PM)Hamster24 Wrote: is it able to the stats on daily basis
i mean top liked threads yesterday and today?

Is this a question for me? Or a question of it's own?  If for me, I don't think I understand... : )

oops i ate some words in that question

I meant will this plugin generate a list of threads that received the most thankyou/likes yesterday and today rather than all time.
I think it's an all-time registration only... It just counts all the Thank You's...

I installed the plugin and nothing is displayed on the forum?  Huh

You can choose in Plugin settings where you want show the list (separate page or in forum stats). By default it is a separate page.

Your link to that page:

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