Not Solved [Error Message] Procedure using $db->query or mysqli_multi_query
Not Solved
Hi friends, I have a big problem with a Procedure, In phpmyadmin NOT SHOW ERROR, in phpmyadmin is doing the query perfectly
   $datos="CALL BUSCAR('%%',0,9900,'','DESC',0,0,0,'00')";
   $resultado = $db->query($datos);
   while ($filas = $db->fetch_array($resultado)) {
	 eval('$listprods_c.= "'.$templates->get('TD_ajax_listprods_ciclo').'";');

eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("TD_AJAX")."\";");

I am getting the following

Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='TD_ajax_listprods_ciclo' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1

What can i do?

Also tried with and with out this, and I still have the problem

Also tried with this, instead of use $db->query, but I still have the problem

$datos="CALL BUSCAR('%%',0,9900,'','DESC',0,0,0,'00')";
if (mysqli_multi_query($db->write_link, $datos)) {
    do {
        /* almacenar primer juego de resultados */
        if ($result = mysqli_store_result($db->write_link)) {
            while ($filas = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
		     	eval('$listprods_c.= "'.$templates->get('TD_ajax_listprods_ciclo').'";');
    } while (mysqli_next_result($db->write_link));


eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("TD_AJAX")."\";");

What can I do?  Huh

Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='TD_ajax_listprods_ciclo' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1

Best Regards

I read than I should to use multi_query instead of query

define('IN_MYBB', 1);

require_once '../FORO/global.php';
$sql="CALL BUSCAR('%%',0,9900,'','DESC',0,0,0,'00');";
if ($db->multi_query($sql))
    // Store first result set
    if ($result=$db->store_result($sql))
      while ($filas=$db->fetch_array($result))
  while ($db->next_result());

eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("TD_AJAX")."\";");

db_mysqli.php I added thist

	function next_result(){

	function store_result($sql){
	function multi_query($sql){

But I have still the error

Quote:SQL Error:
2014 - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
SELECT template FROM mybb_templates WHERE title='TD_AJAX' AND sid IN ('-2','-1','1') ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1

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