Outdated team page

Hi, as you can see there is people on there who are no longer staff and there are also not people on there who are now staff.

Please do not PM me for support. I am looking to be hired for paid services.

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Whenever you update that page the team changes again. Angel But thanks for the reminder somebody will likely update it soon.
[Image: banner.png]
I took a look at the file on GitHub, does the page not update automatically?

Please do not PM me for support. I am looking to be hired for paid services.

You can view my paid services here.
The page itself updates automatically, however the file where the team is stored doesn't (that file is somewhere in the includes dir irrc).
Support PMs will be ignored!
Oh okay. Just letting you guys know!

Please do not PM me for support. I am looking to be hired for paid services.

You can view my paid services here.

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