[WIP] MusK - Xenforo Style MyBB Theme for MyBB 1.8x Series
try to ask envira for support on his site http://myskins.org
or ask here with a proof of payment and im sure me or someone else would help you fix those issues
I have not seen him around here recently. Occasionally, some tweets are visible from him.
(2017-06-24, 10:01 AM)subzr1 Wrote: well
try to ask envira for support on his site http://myskins.org
or ask here with a proof of payment and im sure me or someone else would help you fix those issues

Okay thanks! I'm currently on vacation but I will PM you when I get back home! Smile

EDIT: If anyone wouldn't mine helping, please PM me and I can give you the URL to my forum and give you permissions to view/change the theme code. I'm trying to find a fix so I can post it publicly.
This still a thing?
This was my favorite theme, to bad don´t have a update

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