[Pushed] Pasting From Spreadsheets Issue
So before the update to 1.8 I had no issues with copying from my Excel spreadsheet to MyBB but now I'm having issues with it... Let me explain...

Back when I was using version 1.6, when I was pasting from a spreadsheet into the post it would initially come out like this:
1)            8.94        NEB        @            STL

2)            8.74        SD           @            SF
3)            5.96        HOU      @            WTX
4)            2.21        LA           @            SAC
5)            1.77        LON       @            WSH
6)            1.55        CR           @            ORL
7)            0.86        NY          @            NJ
8)            0.78        POR       @            SLC
9)            0.08        IA            @            COL
10)          -0.02      TRA        @            CIN
11)          -0.24      BIR         @            CAR
12)          -0.44      TRI          @            SB
13)          -0.53      NO         @            VIC
14)          -0.89      PHI         @            PIT
15)          -0.89      LV           @            SEA
16)          -1.33      ATL         @            BAL

Please notice between each Rank, Rating, Team @ Team there are many spaces.
And when I would post in the topic it would auto-correct to just one space (like below):
1) 8.94 NEB @ STL
2) 8.74 SD @ SF
3) 5.96 HOU @ WTX
4) 2.21 LA @ SAC
5) 1.77 LON @ WSH
6) 1.55 CR @ ORL
7) 0.86 NY @ NJ
8) 0.78 POR @ SLC
9) 0.08 IA @ COL
10) -0.02 TRA @ CIN
11) -0.24 BIR @ CAR
12) -0.44 TRI @ SB
13) -0.53 NO @ VIC
14) -0.89 PHI @ PIT
15) -0.89 LV @ SEA
16) -1.33 ATL @ BAL

Please notice between each Rank, Rating, Team @ Team there is only one space.

Now when I do this in version 1.8 it does not auto-correct to the one with just one space.

Is there a way to fix this to how it was in 1.6???

Please also take note of the random line that has been added between 1 and 2 in the top. This is also happening when pasting from a spreadsheet. That line between 1 and 2 should not be there.
replies here might help in using excel sheets on MyBB forum posts
I'm not trying to upload a spreadsheet. Just trying to paste from one and not have it appear like the first one above but appear as the second one above like out used to in 1.6..
well, you can use suggested ASAP utilities and paste generated html code in posts
(Note: only admins & selected staff should have html posting privileges [see HTML in Posts])
Isn't there a setting to turn this !!!!!!!! Into this ! ? I'm sure it would be the same one with spaces, no? I need a setting that will prevent the same character from being used consecutively. Kind of like the setting to turn ALL CAPS words into Words With One Capitalization.
I think I'd rather post a screenshot of the Excel sheet.
Regards, Ad Bakker (NL)
Any word on this??

I just need a way that erases the extra spaces... 1.6 used to do it but now 1.8 doesn't.. And 1.8 is adding extra lines in there for no apparent reason??

1) 17.73 SF @ LA
2) 10.19 NJ @ BIR
3) 4.64 WSH @ ATL
4) 3.43 COL @ NEB
5) 1.57 ORL @ TRI
6) 1.20 WTX @ NO
7) 0.91 STL @ IA
8) 0.43 SAC @ SD
9) 0.20 VIC @ HOU
10) 0.19 SB @ CR
11) 0.03 SEA @ POR
12) 0.01 PIT @ TRA
13) 0.01 BAL @ LON
14) -0.53 CAR @ NY
15) -0.53 CIN @ PHI
16) -0.89 SLC @ LV

Okay so I literally just posted from another spreadsheet and the spaces were automatically eliminated when I hit "post reply"... What is going on with my forum if its working here?

The above list of 16 games originally had all of the spaces before I pressed "post reply". Once it was submitted it auto-corrected.. whats up with that?
can you use pre MyCode tag to paste the content from the Excel .. eg. [pre]content[/pre]
Pre didn't help...

Its really weird that this forum would delete the extra spaces but my forum won't.. In fact, when I paste from the spreadsheet (to my forum) it comes out where everything is on its own line. When I paste into Word then into the forum the extra spaces still remain..
If you paste it to quick reply, spaces will be removed, unless you're using a plugin that adds an editor to quick reply. When using full reply spaces don't get removed here either.

Not sure if we should consider it as a very very low priority bug (inconsistent behavior) and what we can do, but I'll move it to bug reports.

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