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[For 1.8] MySEO, improve SEO OnPage in your forum
(2015-03-26, 11:29 AM)SimonJamesCathcart Wrote: I have downloaded it, but I cannot see any boxes to add meta key words for search. as you get with myseo on wordpress. why is this, should I see a box to fill out, I don't have one. Is it automatic does this app take the keywords automatically?

Don't send me PM with support questions. I'm ignore those PMs.

The keyword box is in settings of MySEO. Smile
So this plugin is able to work with Google SEO, correct?
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(2015-03-28, 05:27 PM)ThemeFreaknet Wrote: So this plugin is able to work with Google SEO, correct?

Yes, this plugin can work with (and not only) if Google SEO is installed, and perform it. Smile
Will this plugin destroy already indexed page from google? With other words, start from scratch at google, no ranking, non working links, links that will be deleted from google?

Using google seo plugin today
Quick question, why do you and Google SEO provide the robots.txt file without carriage returns/windows line breaks?
The spec says any of the normal line breaks can be used, and this makes the file much more human readable.
So have gone through the file in Notepad to add returns.

Also, you have the following line in the robots file provided:
Disallow: /usuario-*?action=emailuser

I presume that should be the following?:
Disallow: /user-*?action=emailuser


Hopefully can use this plugin to have no follow for all external links, and still have dofollow for all links to our blog, main site and so forth, which is the key reason we want to use it.

Nofollow works a treat.
Great you can add additional URLs, as can include facebook and twiter profiles etc.
Finding something that just works is great. The MyBB forums are full of posts of plugins that don't work, various manual edits to core files etc.

One little thing to be aware of:
If you have a blank line in the "Filter NoFollow URLs" text field then nofollow won't work - as it effectively filters for everything it seems. So you need to make sure you don't add a blank line there before saving.

Perhaps something to address in future versions (or add some warning text).

Okay, a few issues.

Not all of the markup added is valid.

e.g. the twitter meta entries aren't closed properly:
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Forum Title | Short Description">
When it should be:
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Forum Title | Short Description" />

Also perhaps nitpicking, but looking at myseo.php and the markup created, there's inconsistency with closing with a space and then /> or no space before the /> - lack of attention to detail like that makes one worry about any careless mistakes (such as the improperly closed twitter meta tags).

Also, if nothing is entered for Alexa or other options, surely these shouldn't be added to the template?
You can just use a conditional statement.
Otherwise you get a lot of entries like this:
<meta name="alexaVerifyID" content=""/>

Which at the very least are a waste of space, but could be worse for other entries.

I've edited myseo.php but see I can actually edit header_include which is where that is inserted.

However where is {$seo_index} located?

Personally I just wanted a good nofollow solution - which I'm happy with.
Is there any way to turn off the other functionality, or gain some more control over it?

If seo_index were or is a template that can be edited that'd solve that problem.

Also the following is still in Spanish (inserted in member_profile template):
<meta property="og:title" content="{$lang->profile} en {$mybb->settings['bbname']}" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{$lang->profile} en {$mybb->settings['bbname']}" />

Should be:
<meta property="og:title" content="{$lang->profile} in {$mybb->settings['bbname']}" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{$lang->profile} in {$mybb->settings['bbname']}" />

Ahh, good, found the seo templates now - they're added to the global templates.

Would be worth mentioning that in the docs!

Only found out by doing a google translate on a comment in the source!

As an aside, Google advise to include the analytics code in the header, not the footer.
Is there any way to set this to work for 1.6?

Or perhaps someone can tell me how to manually set the variables in the MyBB header so that the OG properties are set to the correct variables for meta excerpt for the given thread / image / title?

Much appreciated.
(2015-04-16, 02:16 PM)Dan_HiHosting Wrote: Quick question, why do you and Google SEO...

I will work in this questions early, thanks. Smile
Hi there,

i dont get my sitemap running. What i don´t understand - does this Plugin generate a sitemap.xml file?
Do i need to configure anything to generate a sitemap automatically?
(2015-05-19, 05:45 AM)Spaddl Wrote: Hi there,

i dont get my sitemap running. What i don´t understand - does this Plugin generate a sitemap.xml file?
Do i need to configure anything to generate a sitemap automatically?

Please, read the first post, all the info is there.
That version NO generates any sitemap, but in 1.2 YES.
(2015-05-21, 09:36 AM)BitLiberal Wrote: That version NO generates any sitemap, but in 1.2 YES.

Is it 1.2 release? Smile
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