Miuna News
About of Miuna News:
Secound product of Miuna series project.
This is one is very useful... And i willl explain why.
You tired refresh page all time to check if has new post, new thread or new alert?
But use Ajax to avoid refresh page increase resource usage of server?
So Miuna News is solution of your problems!!
Miuna series uses Websocket (Node.js, Socket.io etc...) yes new technology based in HTML5.
So worry that Ajax use hight resource no problem to Miuna News.
Miuna News alert user when:
- Has new post
- Has new thread
- Has new alert (myalert 2.0.2)
Some images:
- Nodejs server to install Miuna News server (you can use Openshift (free))
- Mybb 1.8
- PluginLibrary 12
Support and Bug Report:
- This product in development.
- Bug in mobilephone, IE and safari has low priority.
- Only bug reported in github (https://github.com/martec/Miuna-News-Client/issues) i will see, if posted in other place like here, will be ignored.
How install Miuna News Server in Openshift v3:
1 - Create account in Openshift
2 - Choice Starter plan
3 - Click in "Open Web Console"
4 - Click in "Create Project"
5 - Will open new page, so add information as image below:
5.1 - Name: whatever you want
5.2 - Other fields: Leave empty
6 - Click in "Create"
7 - Click in "Data Stores"
8 - Find "MongoDB (Persistent)" and click "Select"
9 - Will open new page, but doesn't need change anything
10 - Click in "Create"
11 - Will open new page
11.1 - Copy the "Connection URL" information in note pad.
12 - Click in "Go to overview"
13 - Click in "Add to Project"
14 - Click in "Browse Catalog"
15 - Click in "Javascript"
15 - Find Node.js
16 - Change the "Version" to "6-latest" and click "Select"
17 - Will open new page, so add information as image below:
17.1 - Name: whatever you want
17.2 - Git Repository URL: Past here link below:
18 - Click in "Create"19 - Click in "Continue to overview"
20 - In "Overview" click in last application that you added (not the first (first is mongodb))
20.1 - Click in "Action"
20.2 - Click in "Pause Rollouts"
21 - Now click in "Environment"
22.1 - In Name put: url
22.2 - In Value past here information of step 11.1 (start with "mongodb://")
23 - Click in "Add Environment Variable"
24.1 - In new Name field put: origin
24.2 - In new Value field put: your forum link (something like https://myforum.info) (this information is important, if you put fake information the application won't work)
25 - Click in "Add Environment Variable" again
26.1 - In new Name field put: name
26.2 - In new Value field put: whatever you want (this is user account name used to communicate between the forum and the node server. You need put this information in ACP of forum too, so copy this information in note pad.)
27 - Click in "Add Environment Variable" again
28.1 - In new Name field put: pass
28.2 - In new Value field put: whatever you want (this is password of user account used to communicate between the forum and the node server. You need put this information in ACP of forum too, so copy this information in note pad.)
29 - Click in "Save"
30.1 - Click in "Action"
31.2 - Click in "Resume Rollouts"
32 - Click in "Application"
33 - Click in "Routes"
34 - Click in your application name
35 - Will open new page
36.1 - Find "TLS is not enabled. Edit this route to enable secure network traffic." phrase
36.2 - Click in "Edit" part of phrase above
37 - Will open new page
38.1 - Check "Secure route"
38.2 - Select "Allow" in Insecure Traffic
38.3 - Click in "Save"
39 - Click in "Overview"
40 - Copy the link of your application that appear in Overview page (need this information later)
41 - It's all
Install Miuna News client:
Install plugin:
In configuration of plugin:
Yes in "Enable Miuna News?"
Link to Miuna News server: past here address that you copied in step 36 and remove last slash.
Check if doesn't has white space before and after the address
Socket.io address:
Same of above, but you need change https to wss. In V3 of openshift, you can't add :8443 after address.
Miuna Shoutbox Server Username: Samething of you puted in step 26.2
Miuna Shoutbox Server Passsword: Samething of you puted in step 28.2
It´s all.