OK, Right Click -> View Source shows:
<!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails -->
<span class="smalltext"><strong>Thumbnail(s)</strong></span><br />
<!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=41" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=41" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail --><!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=42" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=42" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail --><!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=43" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=43" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<br />
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails -->
I cannot confirm that the attachments (Links like
http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?aid=41) exist because it asks me to to log in.
I can confirm that the thumbnails (Links like
http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?thumbnail=41) do NOT exist because the alt text is displayed instead of the image.
You mention dream host had a power outage, well I'm not sure what MyBB uses to make the thumbnails but if they use GD or ImageMagik (hopefully a member of staff can confirm this), you may want to check with your host that they have those modules installed and working.