Edit: Lost (image) attachment function
I tried to upload an attachment, but when it's done completing the post there is no thumbnail and when I click the attachment I just get the link to the attachment ID. Also, all my users previous attachments that worked are no longer valid. All registered users have the correct permissions. Any ideas?

edit: I can attach .zip and .txt files and probably anything else that is not a picture.


Have you tried the "Recount & Rebuild" section in the ACP, and tried rebuilding attachment thumbnails.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
"Recount & Rebuild" didn't work. What else can I do?
Your uploads directory is chmoded correctly and the files you upload are actually going there?

Did you do anything to your board before this started happening? Or did your webhost make any server changes?
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
"uploads" directory is chmoded to 777 right now.

Do be honest I'm not sure when this happened. I just happen to notice it today. Dreamhost had a "power outage" yesterday I think, but other than that that it.
Hmm, ok.

What's your actual forum URL?
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
Have a look.

Well the source code for the parsed page shows a link to an attachment and also the code for showing a thumbnail, didn't check if the image was actually there.

I notice you have the SEO mod installed, how long has that been installed and have you recently upgraded your MyBB forum to 1.2.3. I don't know why this would start to happen randomly unless something had changed with your config.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
I disabled the SEO plugin temporarily but that wasn't the problem. I have not upgraded to 1.2.3 yet. How do I confirm that the action image is there?
OK, Right Click -> View Source shows:
<!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails -->
<span class="smalltext"><strong>Thumbnail(s)</strong></span><br />

<!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=41" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=41" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail --><!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=42" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=42" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail --><!-- start: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<a href="attachment.php?aid=43" target="_blank"><img src="attachment.php?thumbnail=43" class="attachment" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail -->
<br />
<!-- end: postbit_attachments_thumbnails -->

I cannot confirm that the attachments (Links like http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?aid=41) exist because it asks me to to log in.
I can confirm that the thumbnails (Links like http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?thumbnail=41) do NOT exist because the alt text is displayed instead of the image.

You mention dream host had a power outage, well I'm not sure what MyBB uses to make the thumbnails but if they use GD or ImageMagik (hopefully a member of staff can confirm this), you may want to check with your host that they have those modules installed and working.
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.

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