Not Solved Multiple Newpoints question
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I'm sure the answer is somewhere but I can't find the answers I'm looking for. Most threads I run across are a separate issue/question soooo here we go.

1.) Where in the world can I edit someone's point amount? I cannot find the option anywhere. We have a dual point system, part of it is through newpoints but the rest is through doing things on-site. And I can't find the option to manually edit someone's point count.

2.) Hand in hand with the above, how do I delete an item from someone's inventory? Is there some kind of ACP option that's supposed to be displayed for an admin or mod when we look at someone's profile? Did it not get added in my template or something, is that the problem? :s
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Have you tried asking on the developer forum?
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
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there is no direct editing option on the front end
admin panel >> newpoints >> maintenance >> Edit User >> enter User ID >> Edit points

see also Newpoints Edit Through Postbit v0.2

I've no idea about inventory .. see newpoints shop
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For the front end edit points and inventory:

@Leefish, IIRC Diogo no longer provides free support neither for Newpoints. Don't take me for granted though.
Soporte en Español

[Image: signature.png]

Discord at omar.gonzalez (Omar G.#6117); Telegram at @omarugc;
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^ Thanks Omar
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Sorry for the long wait response, but thank you guys so much! I appreciate it immensely.
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(2015-03-19, 05:31 AM)Omar G. Wrote: For the front end edit points and inventory:

@Leefish, IIRC Diogo no longer provides free support neither for Newpoints. Don't take me for granted though.

is this working for the new mybb with latest new points?
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