What files are called on when attaching images?
I'm still having trouble, meaning I can't attach any image files. My existing attachments no longer show the thumbnails. My GD seems to be working fine. See my ongoing thread about it here.

I've upgraded to 1.2.3 today and still have the problem. I'm thinking maybe I have a corrupt file or two. So I was wondering which file(s) are called upon then attaching images.
Well usually it is one file ./inc/functions_upload.php.

But you say the existing attachments no longer have thumbnails, so it doesn't have to do anything with the upload or attach anymore.

Could you please right click on any thumbnails, get its URL and try to visit it. If you get any error , display it here.
Sure, here's a link from a thumbnail that doesn't work anymore, http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?aid=1
I just tried reaching an attachment thumbnail. It seems to be corrupt, it seems to be created though. But unreadable. ( http://www.ej8squad.com/attachment.php?thumbnail=41 )
Not sure what could of caused that.

Here's my PHP info. It appears GD in working correctly. I've contacted my host and they recently upgraded to PHP 5.2.1 a few days before I noticed the problem. Is my host missing a setting that would cause this problem?

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.1.7
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled
Might be a compability problem with PHP 5.2.1, not sure. I haven't tested it. Does CAPTCHA work?
I did a separate fresh install of MyBB 1.2.3 yesterday, did a test and everything worked in supposed to.

No, CAPTCHA is broke too. Now I'm getting stupid spam bots signing up.
It's something to do with the uploads folder or something - because your existing image attachments don't open for me as well.

If you could send me a PM with your FTP details in it, I could possibly take a look for you.
"uploads" CHMOD to 777. What else do I look for? Chris, I'll try to get you the FTP details tomorrow sometime.


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