Not Solved Rejected posts
Not Solved
I have a strange problem that I can't figure out.

When someone attempts to copy and paste information from an email or website into a post, there are times when the post is rejected and the following message is displayed:


You don't have permission to access /forum/newthread.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

It usually boils down to a single word in the post such as "Xanax".  Eliminate this word or change it and the post is then accepted.  The words that are causing the rejection are not listed in the Word filter and I can't figure out what is causing the rejections or where it is occurring.

Any ideas?
Not Solved
do you remember this issue occurred earlier & you posted here - can you recall how it was fixed ..

basically it looks like a problem with mod_security and your web host has to disable it for your forum (web site)

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