Not Solved Unexpected $l (T_VARIABLE) on line 1
Not Solved
I am running MyBB 1.6.16 and am trying to install the Nickname Styles plugin ( however when I do, I get Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$l' (T_VARIABLE) in /home2/lucifer/public_html/inc/languages/english/admin/nickstyles.lang.php on line 1 when attempting to go into the plugins section.
$l['nickstyles'] = "Nick Styles";
$l['descriptionplugin'] = "Allows users to change the color of their nickname.";

$l['hometabdes'] = "Here is the list of your nicknames created. Click on options to edit or delete any style nickname.";
$l['newnickstylesdes'] = "Create a new style for users.";
$l['newnickstyles'] = "New Style";

//new style
$l['name'] = "Name";
$l['namedes'] = "Put style name to come out in the selection box styles.";
$l['style'] = "Style";
$l['styledes'] = "Enter the style that will have the nickname. do not forget to put {username} to replace the user name.";
$l['posts'] = "Posts";
$l['postsdes'] = "Enter the number of messages that the user should be able to change your style nickname.";
$l['reputation'] = "Reputation";
$l['reputationdes'] = "Enter the number of reputation that the user should be able to change your style nickname.";
$l['timeonline'] = "Time Online";
$l['timeonlinedes'] = "Enter the time line that the user should be able to change the style of your nickname.";
$l['days'] = "Days";
$l['months'] = "Month";
$l['day'] = "Day";
$l['month'] = "Month";
$l['groups'] = "User Groups";
$l['groupsdes'] = "Select the user groups that you have the rights to change their nickname.";
$l['save'] = "Save";
$l['orden'] = "Order";
$l['ordendes'] = "Enter the order number to display in this style with others.";

//validate information
$l['notname'] = "You have not entered the style name.";
$l['notstyle'] = "You're not logged style nickname.";
$l['notusername'] = "The style nickname should contain {username}.";
$l['invalidtime'] = "The time line you selected is invalid.";

//insert style
$l['not_validate'] = "Can not insert into the DB because the information has not been validated.";
$l['infonotvalid'] = "Invalid information.";
$l['stylesuccess'] = "Style created successfully.";

//table home page
$l['confirmdeletepopup'] = "Do you want to delete the style {1}?";
$l['emptystyles'] = "There is no set style";
$l['none'] = "None";
$l['saveorden'] = "Save Order";
$l['reset'] = "Restore";
$l['ordersuccess'] = "Ordering successfully saved.";

//edit style
$l['edittabdes'] = "Edit the style data.";
$l['notexistsedit'] = "There is the style you are trying to edit.";
$l['stylesuccessedit'] = "The style has been edited successfully.";

//delete style
$l['deletesuccess'] = "You have successfully removed the style {1}.";

//edit massive
$l['editmassive'] = "Mass edit";
$l['editmassivedestab'] = "Edit in bulk all the data of all styles.";
$l['editmassivesuccess'] = "All styles have been successfully edited.";

$l['predertminado'] = "Predetermined";

//list styles
$l['liststyles'] = "Style List";
$l['selectucpdes'] = "Select style nickname you want to use in the forum.";
$l['styleactual'] = "Current Style";
$l['urlliststyles'] = "To see the list of all styles of nicks, click <a href=\"{1}\"> here </a>";

Thanks Big Grin
Not Solved
I can give you a better username style plugin if you want. PM me if you're interested (no, you don't have to pay).

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