Not Solved MyBB without email?
Not Solved Bug 
How do I make a MyBB website and not take people's emails? Is that possible?

Would it require a mod? Is there such a mod?
Not Solved
why you need such setup ! anyway, you have to experiment for it. see replies here
Not Solved
It would definitely require modifications of the software. I'm not sure a plugin itself would do the trick.

Thought: If users have no email, how do they reset their passwords?
PGP Key (Fingerprint: 23B6 F4C0 FE2D 45AA 61A0 1E86 DB87 09DC DD87 6E40)
Not Solved
You can use a custom registration form that will enter a dummy e-mail account. That would be fairly easy to do but like others have said, it will pretty much break any feature that utilizes it.
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