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Yunei MB
just wanted to show you guys my first MYBB forum its the community forum for my domain collective
nice header, good luck with the forums.
I agree with Aaron, very nice logo!
Thank you its Death from Sandman
I had to take out the forums for a while because of a little accident I had with the php my admin.....

but its back!!!hahah I just made a new theme! Lord of the rings!

I'll bring back the death theme soon!
That's a pretty nice looking theme you have there Wink.
Very nice Theme, for ur Smiley question on your forum, look at the Admin CP, there is the smile manager where you can add new ones.
Very nice theme Smile It's because I also like green themes, but this one has the smoothness to it. But what I would do is make the forum icons (on/off.gif) to be smaller. Other than that, it's just perfect.
Rate me if I have helped you
I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with MyBBThemes
Very nice header Smile
Cory Wrote:Very nice theme Smile It's because I also like green themes, but this one has the smoothness to it. But what I would do is make the forum icons (on/off.gif) to be smaller. Other than that, it's just perfect.

yeah I'm gonna do that soon I was sort of weirded out too by how big the on off buttons were

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