Last poll in other php page
I want to show last poll in other php page. Maybe use iframe script for paste it.
If you can create, please share a code for me. Toungue
[Image: chaime_bar.gif]
:: . :: MyBB Thai :: . ::
You can use the codes of the attached file.
You might need to work with the images abit. put them in a reachable dir.
This file to be used on an external file.

You will need to edit the following in it
$path = "123";

Change 123 to the path of your forums

Attached Files
.php   polls.php (Size: 10.92 KB / Downloads: 312)
Thank you very much zaher1988, your script is worked! but I've a little bit need you to help me again please.

When user click for Vote! or View result, I want it to open in new window (target="_blank") but I try to modify both .php file and template in ACP until now I can't finished.
So, can you advise me for above?

Thank you again. Cool
[Image: chaime_bar.gif]
:: . :: MyBB Thai :: . ::
You have to edit showthread_poll template.
What is a code for modify Vote! botton when we click it and then it open in new windows.

Now, View result is OK (open in new windows).
[Image: chaime_bar.gif]
:: . :: MyBB Thai :: . ::
Zaher, Thank you. This was what I was looking for, but I have a questions:

Is there a way you can chose from which Forum to get the Poll?


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