Not Solved How to use Font-awsome icons
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How would I use: on the default MyBB theme?

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first include the FA css using the CDN method which is the easiest and fastest of all... add the code to the headerinclude template...

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

and then include the icons using the <i> tag like this, where you want the icon to be displayed...

<i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>
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(2015-09-28, 09:17 AM)mmadhankumar Wrote: first include the FA css using the CDN method which is the easiest and fastest of all... add the code to the headerinclude template...

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

and then include the icons using the <i> tag like this, where you want the icon to be displayed...

<i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>

Thanks very much for the help!
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Easy enough. Thanks Madan.
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