Not Solved MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
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I am the admin mrmod, I keep repairing the table manually and the php backup module keeps breaking it. I am able to mysqldump just fine.
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(2015-10-27, 11:23 AM)StefanT Wrote: MyBB works fine with MariaDB. If a table keeps crashing it's a problem with the database server and not with MyBB.

I am able to repair the table manually and back up manually using mysqldump. The error seems to be related to the php used to attempt a backup. It fails to lock the table (in SQL logs) but that error is not shown in the php error.

The http or https thing seems to be false as well since I just tried to back up in both separately and both methods create that error, they both execute the mybb database backup php script the same way presumably but I am no expert.

I can provide a dump of the table after its' repaired in PM or somewhere safe. I can also give admin or shell access to help diagnose the problem.

Is there any risk to me updating to 1.8.6 while this issue persists? Will I be able to just restore the database backup that is working after upgrading to 1.8.6?

(2015-10-29, 12:01 AM)mrmod Wrote: the super admin is ypur host provider like ubuntu apache linux windows contact them your a "admin" but not the super admin for full control
Email them

With a VPS you get full root access to the machine - what you call super admin. I am the 'super admin' of the server. I only contact the provider if there is a hardware issue.
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So it seems there are no more ideas. I'm just backing up via command line now daily which makes more sense anyway:

mysqldump --user=mybbsqluser --password=mybbsqlpass --host=localhost --single-transaction -B mybbdbname > dailyforumbackup.sql | gzip -c > dailyforumbackup.gz
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Wish I could help with this :/
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(2015-11-28, 11:24 PM)PTDesign Wrote: Wish I could help with this :/

heh me too. It seems to be a php error, whether it is php5-fpm, , php 5.6 version, mybb php script, nginx or something else we'll probably never know unless someone with more debugging skills takes a look.

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