Not Solved [split] MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
Not Solved
I have just tried to check my Forum (which was working normally a few days ago)  and got this:

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue. SQL Error: 1203 - User snoopy already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections Query: [READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server

I am quite new to this!

The forum is at
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You need to contact your host for this.

Please do not PM me for support. I am looking to be hired for paid services.

You can view my paid services here.
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Thank you, I have sent them a support request. I will keep you informed.

They (Fasthosts) said:

"We have cleared the connections for your database 'adeforum', and you should find your site is now functioning again.

This may simply have been due to a spike in traffic or a rogue bug within your site software, but if it continues to occur, you should urgently contact your site developers to investigate."

Unfortunately, the problem remains & I am the site developer!

Any more suggestions gratefully received!

This what Fasthosts have reported now:

"I've again killed off the connections to the database, and have monitored connections manually for a short while.

Over the first few minutes after killing off the connections, several new connections were spawned :

6034916 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 8 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'c1c9e036'
6034179 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 59 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'c1c9e036'
6033720 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 92 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'c1c9e036'
6033427 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 115 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'd5abd9b8'
6032924 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 142 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'c1c9e036'
6032679 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 161 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'd5abd9b8'
6032354 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 186 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'97501f81'
6032260 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 193 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'c1c9e036'
6032138 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 201 Query DELETE FROM mybb_sessions WHERE ip=X'd5abd9b8'
6031654 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 228 Query REPLACE INTO mybb_sessions SET uid=0,sid='6a4e56ad8bff085d8527973de1d57010',time=1446311630,ip=X'd5abd9b8',location='/forums/
6031720 snoopy server88-208-25 adeforum 228 Query REPLACE INTO mybb_sessions SET uid=0,sid='b95fc81f91c7b5217730e7d1a33d0400',time=1446311635,ip=X'd5abd9b8',location='/forums/

It appears that your site is attempting to do cleanup of mybb sessions, but is struggling to do so. I recommend taking a manual look at this table, as it may contain corrupted information, or may simply have grown too large for the site to cope. You may be able to drop everything in the table - this should simply log out anyone that is logged in - but I recommend contacting mybb support if you are unsure.

This cleanup activity appears to be disrupting other database accesses, and you will likely find your site performance degraded until this issue has been resolved."

Any suggestions please?
Not Solved
The sessions table is not what actually keeps you logged in. That only lists your last online location. What actually keeps you logged in is the loginkey column in the mybb_users table. You can truncate the mybb_sessions table safely. Just don't drop the table. You may also look into changing mybb_sessions to either be Innodb or Memory instead of MyIsAm for database engine.
Not Solved
Got host to clear connections, emptied mybb_sessions, then got this after a very  short period of norality:
Having cleared mybb_sessions, I get this error:

   MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

   SQL Error:
       144 - Table './adeforum/mybb_threads' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
       SELECT t.*, (t.totalratings/t.numratings) AS averagerating, t.username AS threadusername, u.username FROM mybb_threads t LEFT JOIN mybb_users u ON (u.uid = t.uid) WHERE t.fid='4' AND t.visible='1' ORDER BY t.sticky DESC, t.lastpost desc LIMIT 0, 20

Any ideas?  Forum is still down.
Not Solved
Repair the table. See:

Please do not PM me for support. I am looking to be hired for paid services.

You can view my paid services here.
Not Solved
The sql error only appeared for me when :

I installed an outdated plugin,
Installed a plugin incorrectly,

only these two reasons Toungue

But just to be sure Delete any plugins that you recently installed by using a FTP Client or File manager.

To be sure that weather the plugin is fully deleted you need to open up the downloaded plugin file then

delete the files according to the files in the directory of downloaded plugin.

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