Not Solved nofollow links all external
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How all  site exit links external set to nofollow?


It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to ask.

sory for my english .
Not Solved
I guess it is still working
[Image: cafaf18ba2.gif]
FileSquid is under development
[Image: trk1]
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Thanks wery much,
but after activate plugin sql eror login threads and posts,how fix it?


Hata Tipi:
Uyarı (2)
Hata Mesajı:
preg_match(): Unknown modifier '/'
Dosya: inc/plugins/nofollowexternal.php
Satır: 30
27.     global $mybb;
28.     $url = preg_quote($mybb->settings['bburl']);
29.     $urls = preg_replace("/^http:/","https:", $url, 1);
30.     if (preg_match("/$url/", $groups[1]) || preg_match("/$urls/", $groups[1])) {
31.         return $groups[0];
32.     }
33.     else {

(2015-12-13, 04:25 PM)Dark-Power-Invader Wrote: I guess it is still working

It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to ask.

sory for my english .
Not Solved
If you use Google SEO plugin, there is an option under settings that will allow you to nofollow links in posts.
What goes around comes around
Not Solved
(2015-12-13, 08:14 PM)Ashley1 Wrote: If you use Google SEO plugin, there is an option under settings that will allow you to nofollow links in posts.

yes i use gogle seo,other idea nofollow for internal links?

It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to ask.

sory for my english .
Not Solved
Are there areas of your site you want to nofollow ? Try using a meta noindex tag directly on those pages.
What goes around comes around
Not Solved
Hi roy.
plugin nofollowexternal has the bugs  Sad

A manual solution edit file class_parser.php

My cod for 1.6.x
		// Fix some entities in URLs
		$entities = array('$' => '%24', '$' => '%24', '^' => '%5E', '`' => '%60', '[' => '%5B', ']' => '%5D', '{' => '%7B', '}' => '%7D', '"' => '%22', '<' => '%3C', '>' => '%3E', ' ' => '%20');
		$fullurl = str_replace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $fullurl);

		$name = preg_replace("#&amp;\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $name); // Fix & but allow unicode
// wstawka modyfikująca zewnętrzne linki w postach oraz www stronach uzytkownika przy posyach na nofollow
		// $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$name</a>";
                // nie zmieniamy na nofollow linków do nas!!!
                $_host = '://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
                // :// jest w URL-u
                // i zaczyna sie nie dalej niż na 5 miejscu (https ma 5 znaków)
                if((strpos($fullurl,$_host) !== FALSE) && (strpos($fullurl,$_host) < 6))
                  // Parse internal URL
                  $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";
                } else {
                  // linki do mojej domeny!!! Chcemy miec follow!!!
                  $_host_moj = '://';
                  if((strpos($fullurl,$_host_moj) !== FALSE) && (strpos($fullurl,$_host) < 6))
                    // Parse internal URL
                    $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";
                  } else {
                    // Parse external URL deferred by and with rel="nofollow"
                    // $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$name</a>";
                    $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">$name</a>";
// koniec mojej wstawki
		return $link;

	* Parses URL MyCode.

Edit the file with MyBB 1.8

		// Fix some entities in URLs
		$entities = array('$' => '%24', '$' => '%24', '^' => '%5E', '`' => '%60', '[' => '%5B', ']' => '%5D', '{' => '%7B', '}' => '%7D', '"' => '%22', '<' => '%3C', '>' => '%3E', ' ' => '%20');
		$url = str_replace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $url);

		$name = preg_replace("#&amp;\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $name); // Fix & but allow unicode
		$link = "<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\"{$nofollow}>$name</a>";
		return $link;

	* Parses URL MyCode.

Lightbulb  1.6= $fullurl in 1.8= $url

External links then have: nofollow (posts and threads forum)

Good luck

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