How read variables in a post.
If it is bad category, I apologise.

Hello, community, at first sorry for my weak english.
I want read varabiles in a post, but i don't know how. Variable i have in moderation.php and i'd like to read this varaible in custom modetion tool's when I close thread and write reply.

Any suggestions?
can you make it clear - which variable exactly & what you want to do with it ..
I would like to make reason closing thread.
I added in templates - moderation_confirmation

<input type="text" name="reason" value="No Reason">
and in moderation.php 
$reason = $mybb->get_input('reason');

Now i want add this variables to my reply in custom mod tool but i dont know how i can do this
oh! instead you can use moderator tools
yea i use moderator tools, and i have my custom moderator tools: Close Thread. Now i want add Variables $reason in reply text xD

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